Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Less is More || My First Detox

Hello lovely people! So good to be back. It's the day after Memorial Day aka the day people just show up to work but really don't do anything all day but dream about how much fun they had over the weekend and when is the next time they'll have a long weekend (It'll be in 5 weeks if you plan your 4th of July right).

For me, this weekend was crazy. And not in a good way. In a let's not have a panic attack type of way. But I survived - sans panic attack and I'm ready to move on. Just one problem. I feel like complete and utter crap. I know why. I slipped out of the insane aslyum (Insanity workout) when we ramped up the moving efforts and coincidentally thanks to the lack of counterspace/oven/dishes/anything to eat and or eat on and or with for about a week, I was eating out almost daily. And not just any eating out...fast food. Gross. And to top it all off, I went to Six Flags on Sunday. Dippin' Dots? Sure. French Fries? Of course!  Soda? Get in my belly. I did, however, resist funnel cake. But still, it was pretty damn bad. So I've decided to do a small detox to reset my body and tastebuds and hopefully drop some unwanted lbs. Btw, if you're wondering I gained a whopping .5 lbs over the past week. So apparently I didn't do TOO bad, but nonetheless.

I've been toying with doing the Ultimate Reset by Beachbody for a while now. At first it was going to be my reward for finishing Insanity. Well, my "end date" has come and gone so that's on hold. Then I was going to do it just to get a quick fix and see how much weight I could lose. (I'm slimmer than I was in high school but I weight more...like 25 lbs more. And of course, being a female, it's all about the numbers on the scale.) Yes, the Ultimate Reset is about $250 but it'll be worth it, right? Meh. I cannot for the life of me bring myself to spend that much money on a clean eating cook book and some supplements that haven't been approved by the FDA. So who's to say they even work? What if all of these people are losing weight because they're actually eating better over the 21 period and the supplements are just placebos?

I don't know about you, but I'm not willing to bet $250 on that. Although these people's before and after photos make me quickly second guess myself. Seriously, they've lost 10-20 lbs (women) in the 21 days and have raved about the deliciousness of the food and how they aren't hungry. Ever.

But then I check that price and I'm like "Nah dog...I'm good." So I've decided to do a different detox. One that's free and doesn't require bogus (that's what I'm going to call them since it'll make me feel better in not purchasing the UR) supplements or spending nearly $250 on a clean eating cookbook. Instead, I'm doing the Hungry For Change detox. It's a 3 day program that has people raving about their fantastic results. It's supposed to be a Friday, Saturday, Sunday program and with Memorial Day I had Friday Off. I thought GREAT! I'll start today. Yea...not so much. I last until dinner then I realized that I was hungry. Like starving hungry. Probably because I didn't eat the snacks that I was allowed to eat and I was really busy unpacking and moving and junk. So by the time I got back home, it was around 6:30 and I was starvin like Marvin girl... and I broke down and got a pizza. And I ate it. Not all of it. But I ate it. And I was happy.

So I'm starting again and I'm going to eat all of the food that I'm supposed to eat so that I don't fall off the wagon this time. Let's see how it goes.

Until Next Time...

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