Friday, May 31, 2013

My First Detox || Day 3

Last day of the detox. And I'd be more excited if I had actually followed the detox to a T and didn't just do my own thing that I usually do. I will say though, that I'm proud of myself for not stepping that far out of bounds with what I ate. For the most part (about 90% of the time) I ate clean. And for about 70% of the time I felt hungry. Not even bored hungry but hungry hungry. That, I'm not a fan of.

Weigh In:  +/- 0 Stayed the same. Not too surprised since I kinda bucked all parts of the detox yesterday. But I will say that I got the BEST sleep that I've had in days. I only hit the snooze button once and didn't even make it the entire time it was snoozed. I just got up. And I was ready to go. Granted I would have much rather been asleep, but who wouldn't?

Breakfast: I decided to try the smoothie/juice again. Frankly because I had spending money on food when I clearly have food in the house. But I did jazz it up a little (aka made it drinkable). I had some frozen fresh pineapple (hope that wasn't an oxymoron but it was fresh pineapple that had been frozen before the move). I put a few chunks in the smoothie, added a green apple for tartness, put it in a different blender, hit the "liquefy" button and let it go for about 4 minutes straight. I will say that the consistency and much better and the taste doesn't remind me of lawn clippings. I will definitely be OK drinking this for the morning and maybe for a while after the detox. Since I do have a whole bunch of veggies left since I didn't make the soup. Hopefully it fills me up. I have enough for a regular sized tumbler and about 10 oz in a Rubbermaid bottle. So this may be my breakfast and mid-morning snack since I clearly was too lazy/cranky last night to chop carrots and put some almonds in a bag. Pathetic. I know.

Lunch: I had leftovers from dinner last night. So Parmesan crusted Pollock (no avocado this time), a small amount of couscous, and a green apple. I ate all the kale last night and again, I was too lazy to cook more so I didn't. Surprisingly, I feel like I have TONS of energy. And this is after I came back from the gym. The new and improved smoothie actually kept me full until lunch, although while at the gym I realized I was a little more hungry than usual and therefore couldn't go as hard.

Dinner: I decided to try something a little different and I'm so glad I did. I was craving pizza all day and realized I was probably just craving the sauce. Pizza isn't pizza without a good sauce. So I decided to make pasta instead. I know, you're thinking "wait, aren't you doing a whole no carb no cheese no meat no fun thing?" Yup. So instead of regular pasta I made it with zucchini pasta. And it was MARVELOUS! Very easy to make and it used up some of the veggies I had bought for the detox soup that I never made (and I have no regrets about that whatsoever). I made the sauce too thanks to all those Roma tomatoes I bought for said soup. Topped it off with some lightly cooked green peppers and viola. Delicious. I'll post the recipe later on but it was definitely to die for and hit the exact craving that I was having last night.

Until Next Time...

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