Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My First Detox || Day 1

I did it! I made it through the first day of my three day detox. I'll try to recap everything that I did. I'm going to be completely honest with you all...I cheated. But I still had surprising results after one day.

If you need a recap, here's the menu for the three day Hungry for Change detox. Pretty simple stuff.

Upon Waking Up

What you're supposed to do: Drink 12 ounces of spring/distilled room temperature water mixed with 1/2 tsp ginger root juice (grated them mashed to get the juice) and 1/2 a lemon juice.

What I did: Took out the dog. -_- Thanks for waking me up 10 minutes before my alarm went off Jade. You're the best.

After we came back in from her walk, I made the drink and put it in my water bottle to drink on my way to work since I'd be sitting on the train. Instead of 12 ounces I did 24 but kept all the other measurements the same.


What you're supposed to eat: Make this nasty ass smoothie/juice concoction and drink it.

What I ate: Finish drinking my Morning Water and had 1/2 a green apple and a lick of a pear.

Like I said, that smoothie/juice was nasty ass. I still had half of one in my fridge from when I tried the detox on Friday. I got my portion down that day but I was steadily belching fumes from greens and junk all day. It was gross and made me gag. I'm sure if I kept drinking it I'd get used to it but I wasn't going to torture myself like that. 1) it's supposed to be a juice. I'm sure I would have been able to get it down if it had been a juice instead of a smoothie. They tell you to just "mix it with water when you blend it" to get it more like a juice. You know what I say to that?


The chunks of leafy kale and skin from the pear didn't really suit this weird texture thing I have going on. So I ate half of an apple that I had saved from making the smoothie on Friday and it was in the bag with the pear so I said "Eh...might as well take that". Well the apple went down fine (gotta love Granny Smiths) but that pear. No bueno. Like I said...I licked it. It tasted good. But the texture of a pear is...weird. Much better as a smoothie than eating it itself.

Mid Morning Snack

What you're supposed to eat: eat raw carrots and celery

What I ate: Ate raw carrots and celery. Well...not all the celery. Celery and I have a weird relationship. I ate it so much when I was in pre-school that I can't stomach it anymore. And yes, I remember eating ants on a log in pre-school. It was an awesome pre-school btw. But the taste of celery is just... bleh to me. It even messed up my love of peanut butter for a while because all I tasted when I ate peanut butter was...celery. No bueno. I probably ate about 1 full stalk of celery before I was like


Sorry. Can't do it. But I did eat all of the carrots. You really can't go wrong with carrots. Ever.

By this time it was about 11:00 and I was getting hangry (hungry + angry). I usually don't eat lunch until 12:30 or later but I knew I wasn't going to make it to then. So I ate my lunch at 11:30 like some weirdo.

What you're supposed to eat: Sushi Salad

What I ate: Sushi Salad. And it was GLORIOUS! This was the other half of the sushi salad I had from Friday. I ate it then too and I knew I like it so I made sure to bring it for lunch today. It really tasted like a deconstructed California roll without the rice.

Problem was. I was still hungry. Not like "Oh, I could eat some more hungry" but more like "I'm starving" hungry. The salad did absolutely NOTHING to cure my hunger. But I waited until 1:30 to see if I could just make it through. I stared at my afternoon snack and thought about eating that. Then I realized... that wasn't going to solve anything. Almonds...measly almonds? Pish posh. My hunger laughs in the face of almonds.

Afternoon Snack

What you're supposed to eat: A handful of raw almonds

What I ate: a Peach chobani with 2 Nature's Valley Granola bars...and some almonds. Look I was hungry, ok? After eating the chobani I felt satisfied. Not full...but satisfied. And it made me remember how much I love yogurt.

What you're supposed to eat: Soup

What I ate: Egg omelet (2 eggs) with green peppers and tomatoes and steamed kale. 'Twas fabulous! It totally was not even on the menu but it was clean and good for you. (Sidenote: Why does kale taste like lawn clippings in the smoothie but amazing when it's steamed and wilted in a pan?) I honestly was going to make the soup but then I had softball practice until 7 and I don't like eating later than 8:00 so I needed something quick and painless. In hindsight, I probably should have made the soup the night before so I wouldn't run into this problem but I didn't. And I survived.

And that's when I realized that following this detox to a 'T' is not for me because frankly, I don't like people telling me what to do. And with only three things to chose from, one of which smells like grass barf, I'm not into that. But what I did figure out is that this detox is trying to force the user (me) to eat clean. Clean eating it's's just less convienent. No prepackaged foods. Make as much as you can by hand and get back to eating real food not food stuffs that have been morphed into food. And since I love cooking, I don't think clean eating is going to be a stretch for me. If I'm not following the detox for the next two days, I will definitely do 90% clean eating. I say 90% because I had a bed-time snack of some pretzel sticks which cleary do not follow the clean eating guidelines.

After the detox? I'll probably stick with clean eating. It's not as difficult as it looks if you put the time into it. And I clearly have time. -_- not

Until Next Time...

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