Thursday, May 30, 2013

My First Detox || Day 2

Day two of my three day detox. You all know the drill so let me break down what I ate.

Weigh in: -1.5 lbs. I'll take that! Yes, it's probably water weight. But weight is weight. And from all the times I had to go to the bathroom yesterday it better have been down a few lbs. I did notice that my tummy was a little flatter which is always a plus.

Breakfast: Morning water (spring water/lemon/ginger) 24 ounces that I sipped all morning. I went downstairs to the cafeteria and got some fresh strawberries and a banana. Clearly I'm bucking that nasty ass smoothie and going for clean eating instead in this case. I ate the strawberries during breakfast time but I found myself nibbling on my banana all morning. It clearly ran into the mid-morning snack time. So I bumped the mid-morning snack because I wasn't hungry.

So why did I pick strawberries and a banana? Simple. They contain sugar. Granted it's natural sugar but it's sugar nonetheless which your body treats as such. It takes longer for your body to break the sugar down therefore it's best to eat in the morning/early afternoon than later on in the day. The hope is that you'll burn it off. I hope so too. I did go to the gym today (I didn't yesterday while at work. I clearly was too hangry to be around anyone let alone let out any physical effort even though I went to softball practice after work) and went for a run and then did some more cardio inside.

Lunch: Microgreen salad with raw onions, shredded carrots, black beans, sunflower seeds, and topped with raspberry vinegar and olive oil. I got the idea for a microgreen salad from reading through the Ultimate Reset reviews (It was something that was mentioned A LOT) as well as the Hungry for Change diet plan. For lunch, it says you can have a salad instead of the Sushi salad and gives you some parameters. Plus, everything in there was clean and raw so I'm good to go. And if you're wondering, microgreens are the ones that look like for real plants and are sometimes confused with "spring mix" salads. Same difference really.

Dinner: I seriously broke the rules of the detox here. I didn't eat bad. Actually, I ate pretty clean (except for the cheese). But I noticed the detox doesn't have any meat, dairy products, or grains at all. Well, I had all three. I had broiled pollock topped with parmesan cheese and avocado, basil pesto pearled couscous, and steamed kale. Woops.

Was feeling a bit tired today and a little cranky after dinner. Not sure if it was because I realized I ate what I ate and that wasn't really what I was supposed to eat or if I'm not getting enough sleep at night. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

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