Friday, May 31, 2013

My First Detox || Final Results and Thoughts

Final Weigh In: -1.5 lbs for a total of 3 lbs lost in 3 days.




Boom. This may not seem like a big thing to some people but for someone who can gain weight by blinking...this is BIG. Like taking Pluto off of the list of planets big. I have lost 3 lbs in 3 days since I was sick with the flu in November. Not to fret, I gained it all back within 2 days. :-) Now, I'm officially 10 lbs from my goal weight and 20 from my ultimate goal weight. Makes me wonder what I would have lost in total if I hadn't cheated so dang bad on day two. Nevertheless, I'm beyond happy.

And that's it. My three day detox is over. Done. Gonzo. See ya later stinky nasty ass smoothie (which I've started to love thanks to my pineapple addition). So long no more meat/carbs/dairy. Sayonara restrictions! And hello all new attitude towards food. I've been called a fast learner (along with many other things that shall not be re-uttered) but I didn't know just how fast I would get this whole clean eating thing. Now if you're one of my best friends that has been with me through my phases (yogurt and granola, vegetarian, pescetarian, brussel sprouts, anyone?) you're probably just shaking your head at me. Keep on shaking because this is one that I have a feeling I'm going to be sticking too for quite some time.

Say what!?

Yup. I've decided to do a 80% clean lifestyle with the remaining 20% being whatever I desire. There's a method to my madness. 1) it cuts out the restrictions. We all know how much I LOVE being told what I cannot do. 2) It allows for flexibility. There's going to be days where I go out to eat and there won't be ANYTHING clean on the menu. In fact, that will probably be tonight since we go to dinner after softball on Fridays. Plus, french fries are my kryptonite. There, I said it. And there's nothing wrong with that. 3) I can be pretty darn lazy sometimes. There will be nights where I come home from work, do insanity, and am not going to want to cook anything for dinner. So what will I do? Eat something that's not AS clean as it should be. But still eat it with a smile on my face and a little bit on my shirt since I tend to eat like a 3 year old. 4) I love to bake and cook. And while most of the time I share them with either co-workers or friends (because who needs 3 dozen white chocolate and macadamia nut cookies in the house at one time?), the best recipes with have white sugar in it. And for those that don't know, white sugar is the devil of clean eating. And brown sugar? Not much better. Since it's just white sugar with molasses in it. And I want to start making breads. And white, all-purpose, or bread flour is the she-devil of clean eating. But that's not going to stop me. I'll make substitutions when I can but I'm not too worried about it. Why? Because I'm going to start living life by my rules. 5) Did I mention I hate restrictions? Especially restrictions from foods. Tell me I can't eat it and I'll end up binging until I hate myself. This will allow me to indulge at time, without going overboard. 6) It's summer. That means cook outs, day trips, parties, and drinking. I don't want to be THAT person that asks if the beef in my burger is from free range cattle or if the lettuce is organic or if the pasta in the pasta salad is whole wheat. I'd have a feeling I wouldn't be invited to very many gatherings.

So will I do this detox again? Technically, I shouldn't have to if I keep the clean eating going on. But if I do slip back into mounds of processed foods, I know something that works for me and will help me get back on track.

Until Next Time...

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