Monday, July 29, 2013

"...You Look Like A Little Girl"

Friday morning I'm getting into work and I'm riding up to my floor on the elevator. There's two other people in the elevator with me. A male, about 25-29 if I had to guess, tall, dark, and handsome as all get out. He was wearing fitted jeans, a pairof those sneakers that people get killed over, and a quarter sleeve jersey t-shirt. A little too casual for casual Friday's in my (office's) opinion but to each (office) their own. Next is a middle aged woman that I've ridden the elevator with many times. We usually talk about hair since she's going natural too and always compliments me on mine. This morning was no different. Except this time she followed up with
But you know that makes you look like a little girl, right?
After a millisecond of checking myself before I wrecked myself in a corporate setting I just giggled and played along like it didn't phase me. I can take a few blows. No problem. But I wasn't prepared for the 1.2. She continued after a moment of silence (I swear these are the largest floors ever. It seemed like the elevator was crawling.) she continued
I guess it's pretty hard for middle aged, white men to take you seriously when you look like a twelve year old, huh? But I like it.
I'm not sure what my face looked like at that time but by then she had hit her floor and was already out of the elevator by the time I picked my jaw up off the floor.

Now you're probably asking what my hair looked like. If you're expecting pig tails or any other style that is associated with little girls, try again. I was wearing a twist out. A defined, relatively chunky, twist out. See I had my hair in chunky medium sized twists (about 30 on my head) all week and decided to take them out and let me hair free... since it's Friday. Let me say this again. MY HAIR WAS IN TWISTS ALL WEEK. Now I know I look young when I have those twists in. Like, 12 year old young. I usually pin them back into some kind of updo to look less like a child but this week I was giving zero anything about pinning them back. I just needed something to wear that would allow me to work out at lunch without coming back to the office looking like Don King. Plus last week the humidity was relentless so a twist out would have lasted a good 30 seconds before it turned into a poofy 'fro. Not a bad look, just not what I want in the office.

I've never been looked at differently because of the way I dress or wear my hair. And that's because I don't wear big poofy glorious 'fros to work. I keep my hair contained which is what keeps corporate world happy. Frankly, it's easier to deal with in the twists anyway as I don't have to do anything when I wake up in the morning but shake, pin (if I feel like it), and go. Plus, I know how some folks, particularly of the older generation, get distracted at the tiniest things so I don't want my hair to be one of them.

Here's what I would have loved to say to that lady if I hadn't checked myself or had a jaw on the floor.
No ma'am. I'm not sure what you're referring to but I've never had someone not take me seriously because of the way my hair looks. In fact, I get complimented on my appearance regularly. And for those who believe that I look like a little kid, I let the quality of my work speak towards the ignorance and judgements that I may recieve. A quality of work that has always been praised and is easily on or above par in comparison to those who are not only double (and some) my age, but my experience, and pay grade.
*Drops the mic*

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