Saturday, March 9, 2013

Week 10-11 of 52 Weeks Savings Plan

It's currently 11:50 pm on the Saturday before daylight savings times so you know that what means? Yes, we lose an hour of sleep so that we have more daylight (less is more...right?). But that also means that we are reaching the end of week 10 and the beginning of week 11 for our 52 Weeks Savings Challenge. 

I hope you remembered to put in your week 10. If not, there's still 10  9 minutes to act before you're behind. And no one wants to be behind. 

Need an overview of the challenge? Check it out.

And in case you are wondering, I decided to knock out week 52 during week 11. #RebelWithACause

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Ride Public Transportation? Don't Be Like These People.

I take public transportation to work everyday. Some days it varies from a commuter rail to a metro to walking to even a bus. But it's public transportation all the way. And all the way I come across plenty of d-baggery, uncomfortableness, and whole bunch of wtf that I'm sure I could fill a whole book on. I'll spare you the details...for now, since Buzzfeed has done a pretty good job at summarizing most of the things I come across on a daily basis riding public transportation.

So do me a favor. Don't do anything of these things.