Monday, July 29, 2013

"...You Look Like A Little Girl"

Friday morning I'm getting into work and I'm riding up to my floor on the elevator. There's two other people in the elevator with me. A male, about 25-29 if I had to guess, tall, dark, and handsome as all get out. He was wearing fitted jeans, a pairof those sneakers that people get killed over, and a quarter sleeve jersey t-shirt. A little too casual for casual Friday's in my (office's) opinion but to each (office) their own. Next is a middle aged woman that I've ridden the elevator with many times. We usually talk about hair since she's going natural too and always compliments me on mine. This morning was no different. Except this time she followed up with
But you know that makes you look like a little girl, right?
After a millisecond of checking myself before I wrecked myself in a corporate setting I just giggled and played along like it didn't phase me. I can take a few blows. No problem. But I wasn't prepared for the 1.2. She continued after a moment of silence (I swear these are the largest floors ever. It seemed like the elevator was crawling.) she continued
I guess it's pretty hard for middle aged, white men to take you seriously when you look like a twelve year old, huh? But I like it.
I'm not sure what my face looked like at that time but by then she had hit her floor and was already out of the elevator by the time I picked my jaw up off the floor.

Now you're probably asking what my hair looked like. If you're expecting pig tails or any other style that is associated with little girls, try again. I was wearing a twist out. A defined, relatively chunky, twist out. See I had my hair in chunky medium sized twists (about 30 on my head) all week and decided to take them out and let me hair free... since it's Friday. Let me say this again. MY HAIR WAS IN TWISTS ALL WEEK. Now I know I look young when I have those twists in. Like, 12 year old young. I usually pin them back into some kind of updo to look less like a child but this week I was giving zero anything about pinning them back. I just needed something to wear that would allow me to work out at lunch without coming back to the office looking like Don King. Plus last week the humidity was relentless so a twist out would have lasted a good 30 seconds before it turned into a poofy 'fro. Not a bad look, just not what I want in the office.

I've never been looked at differently because of the way I dress or wear my hair. And that's because I don't wear big poofy glorious 'fros to work. I keep my hair contained which is what keeps corporate world happy. Frankly, it's easier to deal with in the twists anyway as I don't have to do anything when I wake up in the morning but shake, pin (if I feel like it), and go. Plus, I know how some folks, particularly of the older generation, get distracted at the tiniest things so I don't want my hair to be one of them.

Here's what I would have loved to say to that lady if I hadn't checked myself or had a jaw on the floor.
No ma'am. I'm not sure what you're referring to but I've never had someone not take me seriously because of the way my hair looks. In fact, I get complimented on my appearance regularly. And for those who believe that I look like a little kid, I let the quality of my work speak towards the ignorance and judgements that I may recieve. A quality of work that has always been praised and is easily on or above par in comparison to those who are not only double (and some) my age, but my experience, and pay grade.
*Drops the mic*

Thursday, July 25, 2013

50 Random Facts About Me || Part 1

Helloooooooooo! (Think Mrs. Doubtfire)

So remember when I had this bright idea of doing a "Blog My Life" series? Well, that was supposed to get started over the summer when I thought I'd have more free time. Well, I thought wrong. Big time. But I'm still working on the series so stay tuned, if you still care. In the meantime, I want to give you all a snippet of my life by doing the 50 Random Facts about me tag that's been going around YouTube. And since we've been down that road of me not having a camera decent enough to vlog nor me not really wanting to be THAT exposed to the world (yet), I've decided to blog it two parts.
Hope you enjoy!

50 Random Facts About Me (Karla...With a K) Part 1

  1. I enjoy making lists. I get a sense of accomplishment when I can make a list and cross off something.
  2. The only thing I actually enjoy more than making lists, is budgeting. My best friend jokes that I get my rocks off from budgeting. He's a jerk.
  3. Yes. I have a male as a bestfriend. We call each other overlords. It sounds a bit geeky now that I actually think about it but, whatever. We have each other's back no matter what.
  4. SURPRISE! I have more than 1 bestfriend. Shocker, I know. At the moment I have 3 with a floater. Each of my best friends serve a purpose. Sadly enough, there isn't one best friend who I feel as though I can tell everything to. Maybe it's my way of staying in control. Yea... let's go with that.
  5. I live with one of my other bestfriends. We're complete opposites in almost every way imaginable. I could from a home that should have been inside of a magazine (i.e. not a blanket out of place, nothing on the floors, no dishes in the sink when you go to bed at night) and she comes from...not that (i.e. borderline hoarder). So imagine that working out. Somehow it does, beautifully. I honestly couldn't imagine living with anyone else (besides a husband someday). She puts up with my OCD moments, my bitch moments, my moments when I come back from seeing my Mom and realize that our home looks nothing like my Mom's and therefore I go on a cleaning spree. She also puts up with me leaving an absurd amount of bobby pins laying around within arms reach. In the couch cushions, on the dining room table, in the bathroom, in her car, in the kitchen (pro tip: they are great for chip clips), in the washer, in the dryer, in the dogs mouth. Literally. EV.ER.Y.WHERE.
  6. My best friend/roommate and I have shared custody of a dog (which she's already claimed when we part ways). She's a beagle and a basset hound mix and is absolutely adorable. The dog, not my best friend. She's adorable too but... she's not a dog.
  7. But sometimes my dog isn't a dog, she's a cat. We have a bay window in our new place that is large enough for people to sit on. She likes to sit on it. ALL.DAY. And just stare out the window. Sometimes I forget she's there because she doesn't move for quite some time until she of course starts whining because she sees another dog outside.
  8. I'm thinking about getting another dog to keep dog #1 company and to have a buddy.
  9. If I were to get another dog, it would be a corgi. I love them. They're just like me, short with little legs. I'm a corgi in human form. Deal with it.
  10. I believe in reincarnation. Deal with it. No I don't know what I was in my previous life but I think it has something to do with being outdoors. I just feel at peace when I'm in nature.
  11. If I could be reincarnated into an animal, it would probably be a sloth.
  12. I'm probably the shortest full-grown person you know. On a good day I'm 5'. Normally, I'm 4'11 3/4" .Call me fun sized if you will.
    1. When people have the audacity to ask me how short I am my response is usually "Not." And I just keep it moving.
  13. I used to be a girl scout and still can resist the girl scout promise and girl scout honor. Yea, I was that kind of kid.
  14. When I was a girl scout I used to be the one that tried to get the most badges. A little competitive? Maybe. But there was one badge that I could never get...the swimming badge.
  15. I don't know how to swim or tread water. Don't offer to teach me, it probably won't work.
    1. I can swim enough to stay alive if needed and to get from point a to point b but it's not efficient in any way imaginable.
  16. Samoa Girl Scout Cookies are not only a bit racist, but totally delicious. My mom and I hoard boxes at a time.
  17. I'm a Daddy's girl to the core. I was brought up by my Dad as his "only son" since his dreams of having a boy to carry on his legacy was crushed when the doctor told him that I was lacking a certain phallus.
  18. I've played softball for close to 18 years. I don't like to brag, but I'm pretty damn good. I've moved from fast pitch to slow pitch though because there aren't any fast pitch leagues around me. Le Sigh.
  19. I'm currently on 2.5 teams (one as a "Hey we're missing a girl can you come play?" team) where I play short, 3rd, or 2nd.
  20. I haven't missed a Women's College World Series (softball) in years. End of May/beginning of June? I'm parked in front of the TV.
  21. I love my hair. It's natural and I'm a pro-natural hair advocate. But I won't force anyone to go natural. Actually, I'll only explain the benefits of not having chemicals in your hair if you start the conversation first. It's not my place to tell you what you should or should not do to your body. I'll just spread my knowledge whenever it's warranted and allowed.
    1. I hate when people force their opinions/beliefs/way of life on me, so why would I do that to anyone else?
  22. For that reason, I refuse to talk about religion/politics/heated cultural events with people. I believe in healthy arguments and discussion but most people take that to an insane level where they're no longer communicating. Just trying to get their point across.
  23. I enjoy healthy arguments. My best friend in high school and I stopped talking because of an argument over who knows what where we disagreed on something that didn't turn into a healthy argument. Woops. Since then, we've both learned to respectfully disagree. She became a lawyer. I just like to argue for the sake of making the other person aware other thought processes.  
  24. I'm an international business MBA candidate so I'm very aware of cultural/personal/regional/ generational differences in people. I try to keep an open mind on any and everything and not much bothers me when it comes to customs/gestures/ways of life - except those that spread and promote ignorance and hate and take away humans inalienable right.  
    1. I'm pro-LGBT
    2. I'm pro-gay rights/marriage
    3. I'm pro-choice
    4. I'm pro- tattoos in the workplace
    5. I'm a registered democrat but I don't agree with everything they stand for
    6. I believe in standing up for myself and others while questioning outdated rules and norms
    7. I'm pro -everyone has their own opinion and is entitled to it but not everyone's opinion is for the betterment of society and that's where things get funky
  25. I don't apologize for my opinion and I don't expect you to apologize for yours. I would just hope that you're sensitive to others opinions when expressing your own and respectful of everyone's right to have an opinion that is different than yours.
There you have it folks. Part 1 of a 2 (maybe more) part series. I tried not to get too deep into some heavy stuff. I'll save that for later.

Until Next Time...

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Less is More || Keep Your Friends Close

It's a Saturday and I'm awake and functional in the 7 o'clock (am) hour. I know. I'm crazy. But my softball games were cancelled because it only likes to rain in the mary land on Friday nights. At this point, I'll be playing softball while little kids are picking pumpkins.  Oy.

Nevertheless,  I'm going to make something out of this open Saturday besides laying in bed til noon only to stumble downstairs, stuff food in my mouth, and plop on the couch for some Law&Order marathon that is bound to be on. No. I won't do that. I'll be productive.  First thing that was on the list that I already scratched off? What? I can't come on here saying I'm going to do something because I usuallt end up not doing it then. Need further proof? Check back on the previous posts. 

Anyway first thing was going through my contact list in my cell phone.  I recently got a new phone but thankfully all my contacts were saved in the Google so syncing was a snap.  But then I wanted pictures by my contacts and had the bright idea of syncing my Facebook account with my phone.  Didn't realize that would balloon my contact list up to 578 -_- Not to mention it was a pain finding the correct James out of 6 possible ones that I needed to text.  So I did some cleansing and purged that down to the people I actually talk to, text or would need to text,  and important numbets like the Chinese food place.  Kidding. Sort of. I ended up deleting that number. Don't judge.

My contact list is now around 25. And I know which James to text and everyone has pictures.  I encourage you to do the same with your contact list or if you're really ambitious, you're Facebook account.  If I don't talk to or text you, I'll find a way to contact you if I EVER need you (I.e. Facebook). But if we haven't spoken for real since high school? Sorry, bro.

They say keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I'd rather keep my friends close and have 4 quarters instead of 100 pennies.

Until Next Time...

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

WTF Wednesday || Where's The Family?

Happy Hump Day Lovers! It's already halfway through the week and if you're anything like me and have Friday off thanks to working 9 hour days, the week is practically over. Today's my Thursday and I'm going to bask in all of it's glory. Hate on me, hater.

This WTF Wednesday is brought to you by those lovely stick figure families that every minivan has on their back window. I'm pretty sure it's a packaged deal now. Buy a minivan, get a stick figure family for free. As if driving a minivan meant you were anything but a big 'ol family. True, you could be a creeper handing out candy to innocent children, but you probably don't want to draw attention to yourself or have your van be recognizable at all. So the stick figure families? Probably not for you creepy van driver. Sorry, bro.

I tell you all this to introduce the most glorious or confusing thing I've ever seen on the back of a vehicle. I've seen it two days in a row now on my way to work and I'm still extremely perplexed at the intention of the driver. Is it a joke? A celebration? An admittance to multiple murders? A memorial? I really don't know. So I'll let you be the judge.

Behold, The Stick Family That Is No More...

When I first saw it my mind immediately went to: "Oh, this guy is divorced and his wife took the kids so now it's just him and his two dogs". Then I went to "OMG what happened to the family? Did they all die in a fiery inferno?" Then it was "Oh, this guy is just playing a joke and poking fun at everyone else. He was never married. It's just him and his two dogs." But now, my brain is all confused and overcome with all of these conflicting emotions and I'm not sure whether to smile every time I see the car now or move quickly away from the vehicle so that I don't get added to that crossed out list of stick figures on the back of his car.

Until Next Time...

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

Just popping in to wish all of you Dads out there (anyone can be a father...that's just determined by DNA and one lucky sperm that beat out the rest to survive, thrive, grow, and mutate into a baby 9 months later) a Happy Father's Day! I still think it should be called "Happy Dad's Day". There's no need to be so uptight with these titles, people. I don't know one child that calls their Dad "Father". Of course I don't really spend time talking to kids that much so I could be wrong. But on any note, to all that Dads that are apart of their children's lives in a positive way, Happy Dad's Day to you. And for the single mother's out there who are holding it down? Congratulations and thank you. While I cannot say that you can take the place of a Dad, you're doing the best that you can with the circumstances that were given. And for that, I applaud you to the moon and back.

Now that the serious stuff is out of the way, let's get to the giggles and chuckles and smirks that I always (try) to provide. By now you've heard about all of the things that I get from my mom. And no, this isn't some dumb Will.I.Am song where they just talk about women's bodies as if that's all they really are. I'm talking about the borderline OCD that I have. The need to keep everything in it's place. The need to be in control of every aspect of my life. The weird thing I have where I don't drink the last of my drinks. My obsession with anything DIY and HGTV related. The inner mamma bear in my is all because of her. So that leaves you asking, "Well, Karla with a K, what did you get from your Dad?" Good question my loves, good freaking question.

Here is a list of things I got from my Dad or as I like to call it my:

Thanks Dad For Making Me Awesome List:

  1. My body. Not to sound all weird and for those of you who haven't seen me in real life I am all female, promise. But I get my tree trunk legs and my other assets (ahem) from my Dad's side of the family. 
  2. My brain...well half of it. I've decided that I'm pretty much the best mixture of my parents that could ever happen (sorry Karol, but we all know I'm the favorite anyway). But in all seriousness, I get the nurturing mamma bear from my Mom. And from my Dad, I have the analytical side. See, Daddy Dearest majored in Engineering in College (don't ask me which one because I always get it wrong). And throughout my education, he would help with mold that tiny little 7 pound brain of mine into an analytical machine. So thanks Dad for making my over analyze every part of  my life. 'Preciate it, bro. 
  3. My love of sports and being active. My Dad always wanted a boy. He never kept that hidden at all. So when I came around and I was missing a member of the male anatomy, he didn't give up on his dream. Instead, he decided that his little girl was going to play double duty and be his little boy too. So he taught me how to play softball at a young age. Like 5 years old young age, with the plans of enrolling my into t-ball. Too bad that I was a superstar on the field and got to skip t-ball because I could make the throw from 3rd base (ish) to first at the tender age of 6. Yea. I was that good in my floral spandex pants. Thanks to him. Oh and pitching? No problem. He'd drag me outside when I would have much rather been doing anything else and work on my pitching. And for all those other sports out there and being active all the time? Yea that was him. When I was growing up we had a workout room in our basement that was lined with his trophies. I mean LINED. He had bowling trophies, high jump trophies, long jump trophies, other track and field event trophies, football trophies, trophies for having some many trophies. Ridiculous. Yet inspiring.  
  4. Being able to spit out of moving cars without getting it on you. That is probably one of the most practical skills ever. No one wants to spit on themselves. Need an explanation? See #3. 
  5. My love of making things with my hands. Daddy does home improvement on the side. Daddy also has had power tools since I could remember. Karla played with Daddy's power tools when he was away. At like the age of 8 or so away. There's even a picture of my at the bottom of his ladder when I was so young I could barely crawl. But I crawled my happy ass and nappy headed (seriously, head full of hair going all over the place) self to the bottom of his ladder and was determined to just get up there somehow.  I can read a measuring tape better than anyone he knows and my meticulous mind (thanks to Mommy Dearest) means when I mud and tape it almost doesn't need to be sanded over. I know that wall studs at 16" apart and have finished a basement or two when I worked with him over one summer. 
I'm sure there are tons more and this post will be updated as I think of them but right now I have to head out because I'm going to see my Daddy at home. Peace out homies. 

Until Next Time...