Saturday, January 5, 2013

Bloggin' On A Budget

As much as I hate to admit it, I'm still a poor college student. No, I'm not in undergrad. And yes, I do officially have a big girl job. But I still look at money like a poor college student. Why? Because I know the cost of things. I know how much my cell phone bill costs. I know how much I pay in rent - by the way, the rent is STILL too damn high. I understand that going to the grocery store and spending under $100 on two weeks worth of food is definitely a victory that should be celebrated to the fullest extent.

So you're asking yourself "But Karla (with a K), you have a big girl job. Shouldn't you be able to afford everything you would need?" And my answer to you my dearest reader is yes. Yes I can afford everything that I need. And I can also afford almost everything that I would want because...I still look at myself as a poor college student. 

"But Karla (with a K), how is that possible?"

Slow your roll there bucko. I'll let you know how I save and budget. And then you too can become a coupon queen, brown baggin' badass, and savings superhero.

Stay tuned my loves. It's about to get good.

Friday, January 4, 2013

You might be racist if...

If this is what you're Facebook status looks like: 
 well we've been moved in next to by a black family with a Mercedes....that plus the fact that they decided to rent the shittiest house ever and they're making their daughter do all the unpacking off the moving truck right now sounds a lil odd
Ryan likes this.
Barbara: I'm sure Mom will be so happy! 
5 hours ago · Like · 1
Greg: No way you finally have neighbors

Greg: No one has lived there since I've known you lol

Michael: Haha well it got more interesting...the black family there's a gypsy looking family unpacking the same truck the Benz is still there...and the same kids are there...

Barbara: Ohhh. Now Mom is going to be EXTRA happy!

Michael: Greg we should through loud rackous bonfires to piss them off until they leave

Greg: Im down when lol

Allyson: Lol nice openly racist status there sunshine

Michael: Lol obviously ally I don't hate black people I went to parkville Bowie and morgan haha...just the sum of all things seemed odd

News flash, you don't have to "hate" a certain race to be racist. You can be racist even after to went to three schools that have more of a certain race than another.  As a matter of fact, even if you have one friend of that race that you go to when you say "Of course I'm not racist, I have a [insert race here] friend. " you're still probably racist. When you choose to describe a person first by the color of their skin before the clothes they are wearing, their height, eye color, or the car you think they may or may not be driving, you are racist.

Also, not sure why a black family driving a Mercedes moving in across the street/next door seemed odd to him. Maybe it was the fact that the "daughter" was doing the unpacking from the moving van? Well what's odd to me is that he didn't offer to help the "daughter". Nope. He'd rather stay inside the comfort of his parent's home and live post the events. 

Stay classy Mike. Stay classy.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

... I Work Out.

From time to time I'll be posting the workouts that I do. Why? Well hopefully you'll join me so I won't be miserable by myself.  But if not, maybe it'll give you some ideas to try. This one comes from an awesome crossfit blog called crossfit mamas.
Here it is, click the link to go to the website which has WOD (workout's of the day) well...daily.

Crossfit Mamas: Thursday 01.03.13: For time:
Run 1000 meters
100 Crossfit sit-ups
50 Thrusters, 20 lbs

My time? 13:35 with 18 lbs for thrusters.

Welcome... Please Come In!

As the name suggests. My name is Karla. And yes, that's Karla with a K. Not a C, but a K.

This blog will be a recollection of my life as I see fit. Sure, at times things may not make sense, the right answer will appear oh so wrong, and there will be a few mistakes, mishaps, misspellings and missteps along the way but this is the journey that I would like to share. With you.

I'll take you day by day, but more likely every few days by every few days, along with me in this voyage that I call my life. We don't have to hold hands...but I'm not against it (unless you didn't wash your hands - then I'm totally against it). At times I'll make you laugh. I'll try my best not to make you cry. And there will be instances where you can't stand it here. Probably about as many times that you find yourself enthralled by my snazzy story-telling skills. Don't worry, you're free to come and go as you please. I won't judge.

Just make sure you keep all hands, feet, opinions objects, and what have you inside the ride at all times. Hope you enjoy the ride!