Thursday, April 4, 2013

Insane in the Membrane || Week 3

If you've been following me on twitter (@G3t_ShOrti3) or are a "friend" on facebook than you may have picked up on some of the hints I was droppin on ya. Or maybe you really don't care what I have to say and have no clue that I even posted on those sites. Whatevs. Jerk. -_-

Anyway, I've been doing Insanity for the past three weeks now. Actually, today week 2 and a half almost to the letter. It's the recovery day of week three which I love because it's a good mix of yoga, Pilate's, and hell which for some reason is oddly relaxing. I haven't lost any weight but I've lost a few inches (measurements coming soon) and I notice that I'm getting a lot better at the workouts. That means I'm either a) not so winded that I'm on the verge of wheezing which would make me have a panic attack because I felt out of control which would cause these funny little dots to appear in my sight or b) no longer doing only girly push-ups or c) can actually do a few power jumps in a row and not look like a complete idiot. Plus, my form has gotten better on the moves throughout the fit test so improvement there.

I'll have more info later and a break down of my feelings and results week by week (because I'm sure you don't want me to update you daily -I'm sure you don't care that much). And who knows, maybe in another 40 some days you'll see some before and after shots. If you're lucky.

Until next time...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Bloggin' On a Budget || Where did the time go?

I hope you all made it through yesterday, April 1st, without any pregnancy scares, lottery winnings, beds flipped upside down, saran wrap over the toilet seat, and all that good stuff that accompanies the day of fools. If you didn't, I feel bad for you. In a "I'm sure that was hilarious to see" type of way. Empathy? Not my strong suit. 

But I come to check in with everyone and leap my way into their bank accounts, piggy banks, underneath their mattresses, in a shoe box buried in the back yard - all that - to remind you that it is officially the start of week 14! So you know what that means? 

You better had deposited at least $14 into your 52 week savings account.  Or if you're still doing double (high five!) that would be $28. Or if you decided to skip ahead to some of the higher payments because you're on baller status... just remember which week you're doing. You should already be able to see a significant influx in your bank account. 

Don't know what in the world I'm talking about? Well it's not too late to join the 52 Week Savings Challenge 

Until Next Time...