Friday, March 29, 2013

Love Thy Neighbor... No Matter Who They Love

Less Hate, More Love.
Less Discrimination, More Acceptance.
Less Divorce, More Marriages that Last.
Less Bans, More Happiness.

On the Lookout for Cute Gym Shirts

I'm on the hunt for cute fitness apparel. I have the bottoms covered (all pun intended) but I really want some cute workout shirts. And by cute I mean borderline obnoxious, sarcastic, raw, gritty, girly, flirty, sexual inuendo filled shirts. Like these:
I Clean, Jerk & I Have a Nice SNATCH Kettlebell Womens Tank top Racer back Burnout crossfit NEON pink
Got any more ideas? Please send them my way. Thanks dolls!

Until Next Time...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

WTF Wednesday || Racism, Still Alive and Kickin

It's the fourth day of the week according to the Gregorian Calendar which superseded the Julian calendar which is ironic because I got this tid bit of infuriating information from a guy named Julian. So thanks Julian, to you and the calendar namesake even though it was named at Julius Caesar and he was remembered last Friday because it was the Ides of March and what not...

ANYWAY. I've touched on racism in a few of my previous posts. Most of the time I get my material from the book of faces as people tend to speak rather freely on there for the entire world to see. I'm all for free speech but some things are better left unsaid. And un thought. And untaught. This is one of those things. And by things I mean a group. And by group I mean a hate group. And by hate group I mean a HATE GROUP ON A COLLEGE CAMPUS. And my HATE GROUP ON A COLLEGE CAMPUS I mean a campus that I technically attend. But that will be changing shortly. Not to fret.

Here's the link to the article titled "Racist Hate Group to Conduct Nighttime Patrols on College Campus". Read at your own risk. You may raise your blood pressure because of it and I will not be held responsible for that. But I promise you you'll come out of the reading scratching your head, patting your weave, and have your head cocked to the side like an inquisitive dog.

The thing that grinds my gears, other than the groups president wants to be referred to as Commander -_- but that he basically alludes to that every black male student on campus is a threat to white students.

"The frequent robberies, sexual assaults, and acts of vandalism at Towson University are not often reported in the local media. For those who are not Towson students it seems hard to fathom that every single day black predators prey upon the majority white Towson University student body. White Southern men have long been called to defend their communities when law enforcement and the State seem unwilling to protect our people."

And for this I say, What in the ENTIRE LAND OF F***S? Not only if this a fallacy against a group (similar to a fallacy against a person) but his logic is straight up manure. Like fresh from the horse/cow/dog/pig/sloth/koala/bot fly/bobbit worm manure. I understand that there are crimes that occur on a campus. It's sadly, the nature of the beast. But what I can't understand is how all of these so called unreported crimes occur because of African American students, presumably males. But in order to stop this, this absurd group is going to start night...with weapons. That's going to end well. Oh, and the female members of their group? Not only are they teaching them out to clutch their purse when a black man walks into an elevator but they will also be carrying pepper spray and taking self defense classes. All in good taste until you remember they are reverse targeting a specific group of people!

Down in the comments section someone notes that there is technically nothing anyone can do about this neo-nazi (their words, not mine) group because of precedents, first amendments and all that jazz. Well there is something you can do. You can fight hate with acceptance. You can protest that Towson itself is not doing anything to stop this hate group from surviving on campus. While it's not recognized in the student groups, Towson is allowing the group to use it's resources. You know, that ones that students (even black students) have to pay for in those fees that go with tuition? Student Union fees? Yea, going to support this hate group.

So call attention to this group. It seems to be this secret that is kept on campus. Spread the word so that people take a stand against this and like groups once and for all. And before you go and say "But Karla with a K, isn't this just like those Black Student Union groups that go about supporting black students and stuff?" And for you, I say go kick rocks, read a history book, and think about what you just said.

Until Next Time...

P.S. So you know how I said I technically attend this school? My MBA is a joint program between Towson and University of Baltimore and we can pick our "home school" which basically gives us alumni status there after we graduate and what not. I'm officially changing mine to UB. No shame here.