Wednesday, February 27, 2013

WTF Wednesday || Triple J

Hi loveies!

It's Wednesday and while people refer to it as hump day, I like to call it WTF Wednesday. Why? Well usually by this time there are some things in the news that have you smh-ing, lol-ing, omg-ing, or staring at the computer/laptop/mobile device looking like you're trying to solve for X in a differntial equation with imaginary numbers.

And this, my dear friends, is why I will do the treacherous job of digging through all of this pop culture hullabaloo and recap some of my favorites in a segment called WTF Wednesday. Now before you go flying off the handle, WTF can mean whatever you want it to. Granted most of you are familiar with what conventional young adult online lexicon has it stand for, I'm leaving it up to you good people to decide what you want WTF to stand for. And remember, it can change every Wednesday. Maybe it's We Thank Fruitloops. I mean, who wouldn't want to say thanks to those delicious loops of not real fruit? Or Where's The Fries? Seriously, I shouldn't have to explain that one to you. Who doesn't wonder where fries are every now and again?

But today, WTF will stand for *drum roll please* Wasting The Financials but it could easily be replaced with What in The entire F***.

If you haven't watched, listened to, or read the news in the past week you may be a little confused if I share the name Jesse Jackson Jr. with you.  First thoughts may be "He was in the Jackson 5 right? Right?" Or maybe you're thinking he's some famous entertainer. I mean Triple J does sound like a wrestling name or at least a professional dog stylist for the Westminster Dog Show. Shout out to Banana Joe!

But what if I told you that Mr. Jesse Jackson Jr. is non other than the son of Rev. Jesse Jackson!  (I know, I know. I outdid myself with all of my detective work.) Oh, and he may have also swindled close to $1 million from the American people while he was a member of Congress who was on "medical leave" for most of his last term for an unspecified illness which was most likely a shopping addiction.

 Image Credit: The Google
Yes, close to $1 million. Well $750,000 to be exact but who doesn't like to round up? So you may ask yourself "Self, what could one person buy with $750,000 before they got caught?" Well... besides your own small island that you transplant yourself and your closest friends to and start a mini corgi farm because they are just so darn adorable; let me tell you what he supposedly (and I use that term loosely) bought.

List of Ridiculous Stuff to Spend $750,000 of Someone Else's Money On (SEMOn for short)

List of Ridculous Stuff to Spend $750,000 of SEMOn
  1. A $46,000 Fedora that once belonged to Micheal Jackson (of no relation). Funny thing is, this fedora does nothing but just sit on his head. No dishes. No moon walking. No reading you a bedtime story. No showing you how to properly fold a fitted sheet. Nothing. I say he got ripped off, but that's just my opinion.
  2. $43,000 Rolex Watch because anything less can't be trusted with telling time accurately.
  3. Stuffed Elk Heads. To match the stuffed Elk butts he previously had on his mantel. I'm kidding, I have no clue why anyone would want to buy those.
  4. $5,000 Fur Capes and Parkas. I feel as though a fur cape isn't the best choice when flying around Chicago as a super-hero. Seems a bit less than aerodynamic to me. Unless it was a live fur coat made of live flying squirrels. Then I can see that being a good investment. But alas, I read that they were various mink capes. *sad face*
  5. $14,000 on dry cleaning. How else are you going to clean a live fur cape made of flying squirrels?
  6. $61,000 on Restaurants, Night-Clubs, and Lounges.  At least he goes for the high class strip joints. Or just made someones night at the strip clubs that are probably sticky inside.
  7. $5,000 football signed by some U.S. Presidents. I'm almost positive it had Taft's signature on it. And McKinley's. And Washington's.
  8. $10,105 on Bruce Lee memorabilia. Seems pretty legit.

Way to go Triple J. Way to go.

Until Next Time...

1 comment:

  1. So he spent money on all that ridiculous stuff and didn't but a single bobbit worm? OUTRAGEOUS.
