Wednesday, April 17, 2013

WTF Wednesday || A Somber Event

I'm sure all of you by now have heard about the bombings at the Boston Marathon on Monday. Like September 11, it'll be a day that I remember exactly where I was and how I found out it had happened. On September 11th I was in gym class in middle school. We were instructed to stay in the locker room until further notice. Further notice came about 2 hours later when we found out what happened. Some kids were immediately picked up by their parents others stayed throughout the day.

On the day of the Sandy Hook shootings, I found out via twitter. I went to the bathroom and silently cried for the children who would never experience their awkward teenage years or the have to worry about sneaking in after curfew. I cried for the parents who had to suddenly change course from Christmas planning to funeral planning. I cried for the little piece of innocence that was taken from every child in that town. But most of all, I cried for the future of our country and our citizens.

On Monday, I found out via twitter, again. This time I was in shock. I spent the train ride home going through my news feed trying to piece together what had happened. By the time I got to the live stream it was just the shot of the bloody sidewalk. I wasn't sure how many were harmed or dead and I wasn't sure if anyone was safe. But what bothered me the most was that this event, a holiday in the Boston area, brought together people who ran for the love of running. Now, many of them may not be able to walk again. There was a gruesome picture circulating of a guy being wheeled away and his leg was blown clear off. All that was left was the bone. That my friends, is the picture that put me in a funk for the rest of the day.  I'm actually still in a funk-like-fog but I'm slowly crawling out of it. When your innocent people in your country have been attacked, it leaves a heavy heart in it's path.

So I'm sure you all have your own acronyms for what today's WTF Wednesday could stand for, so I'll leave the creativity up to you - I'm honestly not feelin' it. All I ask is that you (if you so choose to) not only pray for Boston but pray for this country and it's citizens.

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