Monday, May 20, 2013

Blog My Life

If you have been living under a rock or just aren't hip to this new found thing called You Tube there's a particular tag that has taken over and everyone and their momma seems to be doing it. It's titled "Draw My Life" in which the You Tuber does exactly that. They take a whiteboard and some dry erase markers and go to town. With some clever editing skills, at the end of the video you know their entire life story (well at least the parts they'd like to share with the audience) and you get to judge their drawing abilities. I'm not sure why I love it so much, but I do. However, I don't have a You Tube account (Fallacy. I do, but I haven't uploaded any videos yet) and since I don't have a fancy camera or sweet editing equipment I don't think I'll be able to do a draw my life any time soon.

But what I do have are words. Words that can dance, move, and boogie with the best of them. So I'll take you through a journey of my life through my media of choice...blogging. This will be a mini series on my blog and will be broken down into life parts (birth, childhood, middle school, high school, college, now) so that I won't a) have diarrhea of the mouth fingers and b) give you all something to look forward to. And who knows...I may inspire others to follow suit. If not, hopefully you'll be entertained.

Until Next Time...


  1. I've got a camera. And you editing software. Let the panda-monium begin!
