Tuesday, June 11, 2013

On To The Next One

So I successfully completed my 3 Day detox and even survived the nasty ass smoothie. It's been 2 weeks since I completed it and I'm still the same weight I was when I stopped after the fifth day. Yes, I kept the detox going for five days and lost about 5 pounds over the time period. And it's stayed off. Proof (I guess) that it wasn't water weight. But besides the scale finally coming back from the dark side, I've gotten a new found appreciation for myself and my body.

Being vertically challenged and built with tree trunk legs, as my Dad so affectionately calls them (Thanks Daddy -_- Jerk.) and having a bra size that resembles a kid flunking school, losing even a little bit of weight is noticeable. At least by me. And because of my weight loss, I have to admit I've been feeling myself a lot more lately. I've ordered another bathing suit. I happily weigh myself daily. My roommate catches me at awkward times as I'm checking myself out in the mirror. I prance around without pants on. Ok, the last one may have been a daily occurrence before I lost weight. But the point is. I feel good. And I feel good because I look good better. And since these little mini challenges seem to work a lot better than sticking to a program (Month 2 of Insanity, anyone?) I've decided I'm going to do another one.

Not a detox this time, although I've kept most of the concepts of the detox going, I'm going to focus on exercise and toning. First up, The 300 Abs in 30 Days. If you're on pinterest you may have seen this pin floating around that is actually just a modification of P90X Ab Ripper. I have P90X. I've done the Ab Ripper. But I haven't done it for 30 days straight. The original posting can be found here by this gal, Courtney. Since she posted this almost 2 years ago (I think) there have been many of "challenge groups" that have done the 30 day challenge and posted there results.

So I'll do the same. But only after I complete the 30 days. Who am I kidding. Let me try to do just 15 days first and see how far I get. I do have motivation this time since I'm going to the beach with the gang in 19 days. So if I can do this for 15 out of the 19 days, I'll post my results. And I'm not just talking numbers this time. I'll do pictures too. Clothed though, sorry. Homie don't play that naked pictures on the Internet thing.

Cheer me on lovies. And feel free to join in!

Until Next Time...

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